

From a parent

I understood the importance of Christian education in the character development and in the personality of the child, for him to be instructed according to God’s heart.


From a civic helper

Don’t hesitate to get in contact with the school : the team is knit together and you can feel a good group dynamic that brings joy in your work.


From a helper in the office 

«  The Lord has shown me that my place was in this service at the school and I joyfully help. »


From a teacher

«  Working as a teacher takes a lot of energy, patience and creativity out of me. But the amount of joy, love and hope are daily renewed


From a student

«  Not only has Ecole Emmanuel imparted in me a quality teaching and longlife friendships. But it has also planted in my life a seed that has taken 19 years of my life to sprout, but it has transformed me and the people around me. »


Testimonial from a student

Gaëtan during the 20 years anniversary of the school